Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Genocide" Awareness Project

Warning signs placed on the Cannon Greens warn students of display.
Valentine’s Day is already a bad day for me, so I was planning on sleeping for as long as I possibly could before class, but I was woken up by two of the editors of The Voyager, Mike and Brittany. 

They both left me voice mails asking me to photograph what was going on at the Cannon Greens. I didn’t know what to expect but as soon as I woke up and got onto facebook, all of my friends were mentioning it.

As I walked to the Cannon Greens I called Brittany back to find out exactly what she wanted and they changed their minds, they wanted a quick turn-around story. I had never done a quick turn-around but I went for it. 

I approached the Cannon Greens and laughed as I saw the “Warning” signs before the big display of dead fetuses. I right away started clicking photos and then listening in on conversations. I asked one of the volunteers, who was in charge, so I could talk to them. 

I found out that they were trying to go to 10 of the public universities in Florida and they were traveling across the United States. 

I was disgusted by what they were showing and the day they arrived was ridiculous, it was Valentine’s Day after all. My feelings towards abortion all depend on the situation.

A free speech board was set up to let students share their personal opinions.
If the woman just decided to have sex and ended up pregnant because of her own doing, it’s her responsibility to have the child and take care of it, but if the woman was raped and got pregnant, I would allow her to get an abortion up to a certain time limit. 

What the organization should have been talking about is how women should use correct birth control, such as the pill and condoms, instead of using abortion as a form of birth control. But of course, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform has free speech and they paid for their location on the Cannon Greens, just like any other organization would have to.

Here's a link to my article in The Voyager: 'Genocide on display' 
Here's a link to CBR's website: AbortionNo

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